Find every truck fleet in your state or nationwide


Total national coverage

Trucking Register 'Complete'

The Complete trucking directory. Download and search information on all 2.1 million companies with US DOT authority to operate big trucks on US roads. Covers US inter-state and intra-state truck fleets, limo and bus companies, and freight brokers, as well as Canadian and Mexican fleets with US authority.  No matter how big your territory, you won't miss a prospect.

See 'How It Works' at left for more detail.


Trucking Register is a WINDOWS application. Product version sold here may be installed on up to 10 computers or tablets, stand-alone or networked. Call for larger versions. MACs can run Trucking Register using Windows emulation software.

More than 10 users?  Call 816-256-4460 for substantial discounts.

Reminder to Insurance Agents --  Current insurance coverages are available for inter-state carriers only, per DOT practice.

Existing customers  --  Click here to order an update.